• Bernal Heights Branch Library
  • Bernal Heights Branch Library
  • Bernal Heights Branch Library
  • Bernal Heights Branch Library
  • Bernal Heights Branch Library

Bernal Heights Branch Library

Renovation highlights include a new expanded children's room on the lower level and a designated teen area on the main floor. The renovations also include an elevator and accessible restrooms. There will be wireless access to the internet, improved lighting, heating and ventilation, access from the playground to the children's area, and new furniture. The building's original architecture has been respected and many historic features restored. 

The project is part of the SFPL's 2000, Proposition A Bond Program, to refurbish and seismically upgrade the city's branch libraries. The Friends of the San Francisco Public Library has been raising funds from private donations for new furniture, fixtures, and equipment for the branch library.


Branch Libraries
500 Cortland
Locate on project map
District 9
$5.7 million