Cabrillo Street Pavement Improvements
Project Update
Our contractor is finished installing all of the ADA-compliant curb ramps between 45th and 25th Avenues. This is to be followed by concrete base repairs, and finally paving. Look for No Parking/Tow-Away barricade signs to learn the work days and hours the contractor will be on your block. The signs will be posted at least 72 hours in advance of the construction.
45th-44th Avenue Sewer work is complete as of 7/16/12.
37th-35h Avenue Sewer work will begin on 7/17/12 . This should last 3-4 weeks.
Project Despcription
Under direction of Department of Public Works, Cabrillo Street in the Richmond District will be resurfaced from 45th to 25th avenues, beginning February 2012. Prior to resurfacing, crews will tackle the concrete components, including repairs to damaged concrete-street base and installation of curb ramps at all intersections within the project limits.
Project Location
Cabrillo Street, 45th to 25th Avenues.
Project Duration
150 Calendar Days
Project Team
Department of Public Works
A. Ruiz Construction
Ms. Dadisi Najib
Office of Communications & Public Affairs