City Wraps Up Community Clean Team with Final Event of the Year
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, October 14, 2011
CONTACT: (415) 554-6926
Hundreds of Volunteers to Clean and Beautify Districts 7 & 8
San Francisco, CA – The Department of Public Works (DPW) and hundreds of volunteers are expected to come out to Community Clean Team’s last volunteer event of the year on Saturday, October 15 at 9 am. Volunteers and partners will beautify and restore areas in Districts 7 and 8 by engaging in projects such as planting, litter cleanup, graffiti abatement, and restoration of public spaces such as the medians along Monterey Boulevard.
Volunteers will be meeting at the Lowell High School, 1101 Eucalyptus Drive, to kickoff the event with beautification projects near the campus and surrounding neighborhoods. Those interested in volunteering can also meet at Sunnyside Elementary School, 250 Foerster Street, to participate in landscaping and greening along Monterey Boulevard, in partnership with the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association and supported by a twenty-thousand dollar Community Challenge Grant.
Recology and Clean City Coalition are providing Gigantic Three services to residents in Districts 7 and 8 on Saturday morning from 8 am to 12 noon. District 7 residents will be able to drop off bulky items, recycling and compost for FREE at Lake Merced, at the parking lot on the corner of Lake Merced Boulevard and Sunset Boulevard. District 8 residents can drop off items on Diamond Street, between 28th and 29th Streets. Proof of residency in each respective district is required.
The Community Clean Team is led by the Department of Public Works in partnership with other city agencies, residents, merchants and students to clean and beautify San Francisco neighborhoods. More information is available at
WHO: Mayor Edwin Lee, District 8 Supervisor Scott Wiener, Department of Public Works, partners, and volunteers
WHAT: Last Community Clean Team of year in Districts 7 and 8
WHEN: Saturday, October 15, 9am-Noon
WHERE: Main kickoff site: Lowell High School, 1101 Eucalyptus Drive