Divisadero Streetscape Improvements
In 2007 the Divisadero community, in coordination with Public Works, Municipal Transportation Agency and Mayor's Office of Economic & Workforce Development, created a vision for the Divisadero corridor between Haight Street and Geary Boulevard.
Divisadero is a highly traveled roadway that connects people to neighborhoods. The improvements include new bus bulb-outs, median widening with trees, landscaping and irrigation, lighting fixture upgrades, new street trees, site furnishings, and street resurfacing These new elements will help promote economic vitality by making the neighborhood more attractive for people that visit and frequent the restaurants and retail establishments along this corridor.
This is part of the Great Streets Program, which aims to improve and enhance the experience for people visiting this corridor. The goal is to reinvigorate the public realm so that the neighborhood will attract residents to stay and enjoy restaurants and other retail shops Divisadero Street has to offer. The renovation will provide a safe environment with the installation of special traffic calming features for pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, and transit riders.
Public Works
Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD)
Divisadero Community
Synergy Project Management, Inc.