DPW Prepares for the Next Big Earthquake
October 17th marked the 20th anniversary of the Loma Prieta Earthquake. DPW participated in the Big Rumble- San Francisco's commemoration of the anniversary of the big earthquake- by hosting a series of events designed to connect San Francisco communities with preparedness resources to better prepare communities and city departments for all types of emergencies.
In addition to participating in the various Big Rumble events, DPW joined in on the October 15th ShakeOut, a statewide Drop, Cover, and Hold On earthquake drill conducted at all DPW work locations, including City Hall, the Operations Yard, 875 Stevenson, 30 Van Ness, and 1680 Mission. The drills focused on the first few hours after an earthquake, and practiced DPW plans and operational concepts to identify gaps and improvements. Feedback from the drills is currently being complied and will soon be available on DPW's Emergency SharePoint site.
DPW is proud to acknowledge that our emergency response capabilities are continuously improving and contributing to making San Francisco a resilient community, thanks to the efforts of the hundreds of DPW staff. For more information, contact: Cynthia Chono, DPW Disaster Preparedness Coordinator at 554-6901, or cynthia.chono@sfdpw.org.