Market Street Repaving to Begin Friday Night


Contact: Rachel Gordon, DPW 415-554-6045


Road closed for weekend to through traffic between Fourth and Fremont streets for around-the-clock improvement project; intersections will remain open

San Francisco, CA -- The Department of Public Works (DPW) and contractors, M.H. Construction and Interstate Grading and Paving, will be repaving Market Street between Fourth Street and Fremont Street this weekend, starting 7 p.m. Friday, June 21, 2013 and scheduled to end Sunday evening, June 21, 2013.

The improvement work will be performed on the curb lanes on both sides of Market Street. The goal is to complete the project within 48 hours to minimize disruptions along one of San Francisco’s primary transportation corridors.

All bikes, private vehicles, taxis and trucks will be detoured from the construction zone while the work is under way. However, traffic still will be able to cross Market Street at the intersections during construction.

Pedestrians also will be able to use Market Street sidewalks and curb-ramps. Muni will continue to operate on most of Market Street, with some transit impacts. See separate section below.

This weekend’s upgrade project is a part of the City’s initiative to repave Market Street east of Van Ness Avenue to create a smoother and safer ride for bicyclists and motorists.

Crews recently resurfaced the roadway from Van Ness Avenue to Sixth Street. In this next phase, they will repave 65,600 sq. ft., working nonstop from Friday night to Sunday night. Crews are expected to lay down 820 tons of new asphalt this weekend.

The next phase of resurfacing -- the stretch from Fourth Street to Sixth Street -- is tentatively scheduled for July 19-21.

Transit impacts:

  • Starting at 7 p.m. on Friday to about 1 a.m. Sunday, all Muni buses and trolleys will travel on the center lanes on Market Street and stop at island stops instead of regular curb stops between Fremont and Fourth streets. The F-line, which already travels in the center lanes, will not be affected.
  • On Saturday, from 4 a.m. to approximately 8 p.m., the 2-Clement traveling west to the Richmond District will be rerouted from Market and Front, turning right on Front, left on Pine, left on Sansome and right on Sutter back to its regular route.
  • The 10-Townsend and 12-Folsom/Pacific traveling north to Chinatown will be rerouted from Second Street and Market, turning left on Market, right on Geary, right on Kearny, right on Bush and left on Sansome back to its regular route.
  • The Nos. 10 and 12 will miss the stop at Sansome and Sutter streets. The alternate stops for the skipped stop are at Second and Stevenson (Market), Sansome and Pine, or other stops along Kearny Street.
  • The two routes traveling south to SOMA will be rerouted from Sansome and Sutter, turning right on Sutter, left on Montgomery, left on Market, and right on Second Street back to its regular route.

