Mission Clubhouse, Pool and Playground
Located in the heart of the Mission District, our design work included the renovation and seismic retrofit of the existing clubhouse and pool buildings, and renovation of the existing playground.
The clubhouse renovation included a reconfiguration; accessibility, mechanical, plumbing and electrical upgrades; and seismic retrofits.
The pool building renovation included accessibility, mechanical and plumbing system upgrades; new pool deck and pool shell finish; and seismic retrofits.
The playground renovation and site work included renovating the existing park space adjacent to Valencia Street; providing an accessible path of travel around the existing playground structures; providing sports court and pedestrian path resurfacing; adding a water play feature, fencing, planting and irrigation, a synthetic turf soccer field, furnishings (benches, picnic tables and shade structures); and improving lighting and drainage.
Public Works
San Francisco Recreation and Park
Fineline Construction, Inc.
Azul Works Construction
Yerba Buena Construction