Urbano Drive Sewer and Pavement Renovation
Work Locations and Approximate Timeline:
- De Soto St. between Urbano Dr. and Halloway Ave. (February - March 2017)
- Victoria St. between Urbano Dr. and Halloway Ave. (February - March 2017)
- Moncado Way between Junipero Serra Blvd. and Paloma Ave. (March - April 2017)
- Head St. between Halloway Ave. and Ashton Ave. ( March - April 2017)
- Pico Ave. between Ashton Ave. and Urbano Drive (March - April 2017)
- Paloma Ave. between Junipero Serra Blvd. and Ocean Ave. (April - May 2017)
- Borica St. between Urbano Dr. to Halloway Ave. (April - May 2017)
- Corona St. between Urbano Dr. to Halloway Ave. (May - June 2017)
- Mercedes Way between Paloma Ave. to Junipero Serra Blvd. (June - July 2017)
- Moncada Way between Paloma Ave. to Urbano Dr. (July - August 2017)
- Cedro Ave. between Mercedes Way and Urbano Dr. (July - August 2017)
- Cerritos Ave. between Mercedes Way and Ocean Ave. (September - October 2017)
- Entrado Ct. and Borica St. (September - October 2017)
- Corona St. and Urbano Dr. (October - November 2017)
- Urbano Dr. - complete (March - November 2017)
- Alviso St. between Urbano Dr. and Halloway Ave. (November - December 2017)
- Monticello St. between Estero Ave and Halloway Ave. (December 2017 - January 2018)
- Estero Ave. between Alviso St. and Lunado Way (January - February 2018)
For your information
The highlighted streets below are being repaved by PG&E after they complete their electrical conduit upgrades. For more information about that work, please contact:
Traffic Impacts
Traffic may be temporarily delayed at times as a result of intersection and lane closures necessary to perform the work. Streets will be posted 72 hours in advance of work, with “No Parking / Tow Away” signs to alert the public of the construction and parking restrictions. Vehicles parked on the street during construction work hours will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. Access to driveways will be maintained at all times however delays may be possible while crews create a path for your vehicle. Please allow extra travel time during construction. Sidewalk access will be maintained at all times. Please observe the “no-parking” signs.
Precision Engineering
San Francisco Public Works