NOTE:  If a removal permit is approved, the removal of the tree is expected to be completed by the applicant and all costs associated with the removal are the responsibility of the applicant, including all costs associated with the purchase and planting of the replacement tree. 


A tree removal permit is required to remove a street tree in San Francisco. Any tree in the public right-of-way is considered a street tree. 


New legislation enacted in 2007 requires that a permit be issued to remove any Significant Tree. As defined in the Public Works Code, Significant Trees are located on private property, but within 10 feet of the public right-of-way and also meet any one of the following size requirements:

  • 20 feet or greater in height

  • 15 feet or greater canopy width

  • 12 inches or greater diameter of trunk measured at 4.5 feet above grade

These trees are granted the same protections as street trees, and a permit is required before any Significant Tree can be removed.


To apply for a permit, complete the Online Tree Application or print out and complete the following hardcopy application: Tree Removal Permit Process and Application (PDF)

Return the completed and signed application form including number and name of the replacement tree species, and include the applicable non-refundable fee made payable to San Francisco Public Works:

  • 1-3 trees (for diseased, hazard or sidewalk damaged related removals)    


  • 1-3 (for Construction or development) trees


  • 4-9 trees


  • 10 or more trees



Other documents that may be required:

Include proof of damage caused by trees, such as paid invoices for repair. Please note that even if a tree has caused sidewalk, sewer or other property damage, removal may not be required.

If the removal is related to new construction, include site plans accurately showing tree locations as well as your building permit number.


Removal Permit Process:

Public Works inspectors evaluate trees for removal.

If we recommend tree removal, a notice will be posted on the tree for 30 days. If objections to the removal are received, a public hearing will be scheduled. If we deny removal, the applicant may request a public hearing. After the hearing, a hearing officer will make a recommendation to the Public Works Director, who will issue a final decision. The Director's decision may be appealable to the Board of Appeals.

New tree(s) approved for planting or replacement must be maintained (watered, weeded, re-staked, etc.) for a period of three years at the end of which time the Department will conduct a follow-up inspection in order to assume all maintenance responsibilities.  If the tree dies within the three-year maintenance period, the tree must be replaced at property owner’s expense.
An inspection of the tree(s) by Urban Forestry is required before the city will assume responsibility.  Please contact our office at (628) 652-8733 to schedule an inspection appointment or for any advice or assistance with watering, staking, mulching, or pruning.

Additional Recommendations:

An International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist should evaluate the tree and provide a written report. Certified arborists can be found by searching online for "Tree Services" or at the International Society of Arboriculture.

Use a licensed and insured arborist or other contractor for any tree work.

For each tree removed, a replacement tree is required.

It is recommended that permittees carry adequate liability insurance.


For additional information contact us at:

San Francisco Public Works
Bureau of Urban Forestry
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 1000 (Map)
San Francisco, CA  94103
628-652-TREE (8733)