We issue low-cost permits for sidewalk landscaping so property owners can convert a portion of their sidewalk into an attractive landscaped area. Our staff ensures that landscaping on sidewalks is properly constructed and maintained to protect public safety, ensure pedestrian access and protect City infrastructure. Landscaped sidewalks look great, provide wildlife habitat, reduce flooding and increase property values!
Note: Property owners remain liable for sidewalk damage caused by trees if the damage existed prior to July 1, 2017. Your tree-damaged sidewalk will be repaired as a part of StreetTreeSF. However, as there are more than 31,000 sidewalk sites in need of repair, it may take several years for the City to repair your sidewalk.
Property owners can choose to obtain a permit and complete sidewalk repairs with their own contractor prior to the City repairing the sidewalk. In the meantime, property owners are liable for any damage or injury resulting from a sidewalk’s condition.
To apply for a permit to perform voluntary sidewalk repairs visit the Permit Center located at 49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 1000.
See StreetTreeSF FAQ for more information.
Getting Started
Designing your Sidewalk Garden
Planting your Sidewalk Garden
Additional Resources