Transbay Folsom Streetscape Improvement Project
San Francisco Public Works was asked by the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII) to provide professional services for the Transbay Folsom Street Improvement Project.
The project furthers a portion of the Transbay Redevelopment Project Area Streetscape & Open Space Concept Plan approved in 2006. It is comprised of temporary and permanent right-of-way improvements along Folsom Street, from Second to Spear, located in Supervisorial District 6.
OCII has contracted with Conger Moss Guillard Landscape Architects (CMG) to prepare the design documents for the Folsom Street Improvement Project.
Streetscape elements include wide, tree-lined sidewalks; rain gardens, which serve as storm water detention areas; bike lanes; sidewalk bulb-outs at key intersections; crosswalk enhancements; traffic calming; light fixture upgrades and street repaving.
Sign up for construction activity updates here.
Construction Update for 2/8/21:
Ongoing Work:
- Pourous paver installation in the sidewalks
- Traffic Signal punchlist
- The project is anticipated to be substantially complete by February 2021.
During Construction
Your utility services will not be interrupted. Please continue to use your household and business plumbing as usual. Street parking may be impacted while construction occurs on a block. In some cases, depending on the phase of work, street parking may not be possible on part of the adjacent block as we taper traffic lanes in order to accommodate the necessary work zone. Crews also may detour traffic during sewer activity to allow for a safe work zone. We kindly ask that motorists please plan ahead and allow more travel time during construction hours.
Please see the posted "no parking" barricade signs for exact work hours, days, and locations. Parking restrictions may vary per block depending on the scope of work. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we make these critical improvements along Folsom Street.
Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure
Municipal Transportation Agency
Planning Department
Public Works