• Fulton Street

Fulton Street and Grove Street Sewer Replacement and Pavement Renovation Project

Project Update
This project is almost complete. We're currently working with the contractor to address any punch list items. 

Project Description
San Francisco Public Works has partnered with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to complete infrastructure and safety improvements along Fulton Street and Grove Street. Our partnership allows us to minimize impacts to the public by consolidating our work whenever possible.

The project limits are Fulton Street from Arguello Blvd. to Franklin Street and Grove Street between Central Avenue and Lyon Street. Please note, the block of Fulton Street between Baker Street and Broderick Street was inspected and the pavement was determined to be in good condition. That block is not scheduled to undergo work.

This project will include sewer main replacement, sewer main relining, curb ramp and bulb-out installation, street base repairs, grinding (removal of existing asphalt) and repaving.

The blocks scheduled for sewer main replacement and/or relining are as follow:

  • Grove Street (Central Avenue to Lyon Street) – Sewer work has been completed at this location
  • Fulton Street (Pierce Street to Steiner Street) – Sewer work has been completed at this location
  • Fulton Street (Laguna Street to Octavia Street) – Sewer work has been completed at this location
  • Fulton Street (Octavia Street to Gough Street) – Sewer work has been completed at this location
  • Fulton Street (Gough Street to Franklin Street) – Sewer work has been completed at this location

This project will also include traffic signal conduit work on Fulton Street at the Steiner, Laguna, and Buchanan streets intersections. The conduit work is being installed now but will be used in MTA’s upcoming traffic signal project.

In order to minimize any impacts associated with construction, and to ensure the entire Fulton Street limits aren’t under construction for the entire 13-month duration, this project will be completed in segments. Although work can happen concurrently in both segments, a completion timeline has been placed on each segment to minimize the impact. The segments are as follow:

  • Segment A: Fulton Street (Arguello Blvd. to Central Avenue) - Approximately a 7-month duration
  • Segment B: Fulton Street (Central Avenue to Franklin Street) - Approximately a 7-month duration
  • The work on Grove Street is scheduled to start around mid-December and will take approximately 5 weeks to complete.

Please note: The schedule is subject to change due to rain, equipment breakdown or unforeseen field conditions.

Work hours may vary by location, however typical working hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Weekend work is allowed but has not been scheduled at this time. The entire project is anticipated to be complete in February 2023.


Pavement and Sewer Renovation
In Progress
Fulton Street (Arguello Blvd. to Franklin Street) and Grove Street (Central Avenue to Lyon Street)
District 5
Winter, 2021
Winter, 2023
$5.9 million
Project Manager
Ramon Kong
Project Team
  • San Francisco. Public Works
  • San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
  • San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
  • JDB & Sons Construction, Inc.
    • (415) 834-5951 Main Office
    • (415) 834-5951 After-Hours
    • (415) 608-3135 After-Hours 
Alex Murillo (628) 271-2244