• street level view of Peralta

Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement #52

Project Update (Week of March 27, 2023)

  • On Monday 4/3 and Tuesday 4/4, the contractor will grind (remove existing asphalt) and repave both Andover Street (Crescent Avenue to Benton Street) and Ellsworth Street (Crescent Avenue to Ogden Avenue). This phase of work is anticpated to take 2 days to complete. On Monday, crews will remove the asphalt at both locations. On Tuesday, they'll repave both blocks. 

    Day 1 -- During the grinding phase (removal of existing asphalt from the roadway), access to enter and exit driveways will be maintained, however delays should be expected if crews are working on the lane closest to your driveway. Please allow extra travel time.
    Day 2 – During the paving phase, driveway access may be delayed while crews work on the lane closest to your driveway. The contractor will apply a tack coat (liquid asphalt) to the roadway in advance of the hot asphalt. The tack coat promotes bonding between the concrete street base and the hot asphalt. During application of the tack coat and new asphalt, driveway access will not be possible until the asphalt cools-down. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Project Description
San Francisco Public Works and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission have partnered to complete infrastructure improvements on several blocks in the Bernal Heights neighborhood. Our partnership allows us to minimize impacts to the public by consolidating our work whenever possible. This project will include sewer main replacement/rehabilitation, curb ramp installation, street base repairs, grinding (removal of existing asphalt) and repaving and concrete street reconstruction. Please note, at locations where the concrete roadway is scheduled to be replaced, driveway access will not be possible for several days while the work occurs and the concrete cures. The project team will coordinate with residents in advance of this work.

Construction began at the first location in April 2022 with completion expected at the last location in Spring 2023. San Francisco Public Works is managing the project during construction. We’ve hired Michael O’Shaughnessy Construction, Inc., to perform the work. The work hours may vary by location, however the typical working hours are 7:30 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Weekend work is allowed but has not been scheduled at this time.

Below is a list of the blocks included in this contract:

30th Street  (Mission Street to San Jose Avenue) 
Eugenia Avenue  (Virginia Avenue to Bonview Street)
Coso Avenue  (Precita Avenue to Mirabel Avenue) **
Coso Avenue  (Prospect Avenue to Elsie Street) **
Lundys Lane (End to Coso Avenue) ** 
Mirabel Avenue  (Coso Avenue to Shotwell Street) 
Montezuma Street  (Coso Avenue to Shotwell Street)  ** 
Aztec Street  (Coso Avenue to End) ** 
Bessie Street (Folsom Street to Manchester Street) ** 
Manchester Street (Bessie Street to Stoneman Street) **
Stoneman Street (Bonview Street to Shotwell Street) **
Treat Avenue  (Precita Avenue to End) - COMPLETED
Mullen Avenue  (Alabama Street to Peralta Avenue)
Peralta Avenue  (Mullen Avenue to Franconia Street) ** 
Andover Street  (Crescent Avenue to End)  ** 
Ellsworth Street  (Ogden Avenue to Crescent Avenue) 

(**) Note: These blocks will include concrete street reconstruction. Due to the scope of work (demolition, grading, compaction, framing and concrete pour) and the time required for the 10” thick concrete panels to cure, driveway access will not be possible for several days. We’ll coordinate with these neighbors once we schedule the work. Sidewalks will remain open at all times.

All the aforementioned blocks will include sewer main replacement and/or rehabilitation except for the following:

Coso Avenue (Prospect Avenue to Aztec Street)
Mirabel Avenue (Coso Avenue to Shotwell Street)
Treat Avenue  (Precita Avenue to End)
Andover Street  (Crescent Avenue to Benton Avenue)

The first phase of work on a block will include sewer main replacement or rehabilitation (lining). Once the new sewer main has been installed or the existing one is lined, our engineers will review video of the sewer laterals to determine which, if any, need to be replaced. The sewer laterals are the connection between the main and the curb/sidewalk. Note: Sewer laterals are only replaced on an as-needed basis depending on the condition of the existing line. Sewer service will not be interrupted during construction. Please continue to use your household and business plumbing as usual.

Once the sewer work is complete on a block, crews will begin preparations to repave or reconstruct (concrete roadway) a block. For streets with asphalt pavement, preparations will include concrete street base replacement work. This task will require the contractor saw-cut, excavate the broken concrete, and pour fresh cement. Replacing any damaged/broken street base now will help prolong the durability of the new pavement. This may happen at several locations along the block. Preparations can also include installation of curb ramps at 4-way intersections and T-intersections.

For locations where the street includes concrete pavement, our contractor will coordinate with residents in advance of the work. This scope of work will include demolition, compaction, grading, framing and concrete pouring. The concrete will need to cure for several days in order to achieve the strength to support vehicle traffic. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Pavement and Sewer Renovation
In Progress
Throughout the Bernal Heights Neighborhood
District 9
$6 million
Project Manager
Ramon Kong
Project Team

San Francisco Public Works
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Michael O'Shaughnessy Construction, Inc.
(415) 799-7043 - Office
(415) 909-0742 - After-Hours

Alex Murillo