• street view photo of Laguna
  • street view photo of Golden Gate

Golden Gate Avenue and Laguna Street Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement

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 Project Description

San Francisco Public Works and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission have partnered to complete infrastructure improvements on several blocks in the Japantown, Western Addition, Hayes Valley, and Lower Haight neighborhoods. Our partnership allows us to minimize impacts to the public by consolidating our work whenever possible. This project included sewer main replacement/rehabilitation, curb ramp installation, street base repairs, grinding (removal of existing asphalt) and repaving.

Construction started at the first location in August 2022 and was completed in August 2023. San Francisco Public Works managed the project during construction and hired Michael O’Shaughnessy Construction, Inc to perform the work. The work hours may vary by location, however the typical working hours are 7:30 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Weekend work is allowed but has not been scheduled at this time.

This work took place on Golden Gate Avenue between Divisadero and Van Ness and Laguna Street between Pine and Haight. All blocks in the project area were repaved with new asphalt roadways, but only the blocks listed below underwent sewer replacement work.

Golden Gate Avenue (Van Ness to Franklin) - complete

Golden Gate Avenue (Franklin to Gough) - complete

Golden Gate Avenue (Gough to Laguna) - complete

Golden Gate Avenue (Webster to Fillmore) - complete

Golden Gate Avenue (Fillmore to Steiner) - complete

Golden Gate Avenue (Steiner to Pierce) - complete

Golden Gate Avenue (Pierce to Scott) - complete

Golden Gate Avenue (Scott to Divisadero) - complete


Laguna Street (Pine to Bush) - complete

Laguna Street (Post to Geary) - complete

Laguna Street (Geary to Cleary) - complete

Laguna Street (Grove to Hayes) - complete

Laguna Street (Hayes to Fell) - complete

Laguna Street (Fell to Oak) - complete

Laguna Street (Page Street intersection) - complete


The first phase of work on a block will include sewer main replacement or rehabilitation (lining). Once the new sewer main has been installed or the existing one is lined, our engineers will review video of the sewer laterals to determine which, if any, need to be replaced. The sewer laterals are the connection between the main and the curb/sidewalk. Note: Sewer laterals are only replaced on an as-needed basis depending on the condition of the existing line. Sewer service will not be interrupted during construction. Please continue to use your household and business plumbing as usual.

Once the sewer work is complete on a block, crews will begin preparations to repave or reconstruct (concrete roadway) a block. For streets with asphalt pavement, preparations will include concrete street base replacement work. This task will require the contractor saw-cut, excavate the broken concrete, and pour fresh cement. Replacing any damaged/broken street base now will help prolong the durability of the new pavement. This may happen at several locations along the block. Once the street base is replaced, the contractor will then apply a top layer of asphalt to the road’s surface. 



Our construction crews will be re-paving Golden Gate Avenue between Divisadero Street and Webster Street the week of August 21st. The work will proceeds as follows: 

Monday, August 21st: The existing asphalt on Golden Gate Avenue between Divisadero Street and Steiner Street will be ground away. 

Tuesday, August 22nd: Golden Gate Avenue between Divisadero Street and Steiner Street will be repaved. 

Wednesday, August 23rd: The existing asphalt on Golden Gate Avenue between Steiner Street and Webster Street will be ground away. 

Thursday, August 24th: Golden Gate Avenue between Steiner Street and Webster Street will be repaved. 

Street parking will not be possible near the work zone during construction hours. Please see the posted barricade signs for exact work hours, days, and locations. During the grinding phase (removal of existing asphalt from the roadway), access to enter and exit driveways will be maintained, however delayes should be expected if crews are working on the lane closest to your driveway. Please plan for slight delays and allow yourself extra travel time on this day. 

During the paving phase, driveway access may be delayed while crews work on the lane closest to your driveway. The contractor will apply a tack coat (liquid asphalt) to the roadway in advance of the hot asphalt. The tack coat promotes bonding between the concrete street base and the hot asphalt. During application of the tack coat and new asphalt, driveway access will not be possible until the asphalt cools down to a safe temperature. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we perform this crucial work. 



Throughout the rest of July, crews will be inspecting and installing new sewer laterals on Golden Gate Avenue between Divisadero and Fillmore Streets. Sewer laterals are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular from the curb line and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect sewer lateral installation on all these blocks to be complete by the end of the month. 

We will be starting maintenance work on the auxiliary water supply system at the corner of Golden Gate Avenue and Pierce Street starting next Monday, July 17th. This work will take about two weeks to complete. 



Starting Monday, June 26th, crews will begin street restoration and paving work on the following blocks of Laguna Street: Eddy Street to Turk Street, Golden Gate Avenue to McAllister Street, McAllister Street to Fulton Street, Fulton Street to Grove Street, Oak Street to Page Street, and Page Street to Haight Street. 

We'll be performing final paving on these blocks in the following order: 

On Monday, June 26th, the existing pavement on Laguna from Eddy to Turk, Golden Gate to McAllister, McAllister to Fulton, and Fulton to Grove will be ground down in preparation for the application of new pavement. 

On Tuesday, June 27th, Laguna from Eddy to Turk, Golden Gate to McAllister, McAllister to Fulton, and Fulton to Grove will be re-paved. 

On Wednesday, June 28th, the existing pavement onf Laguna from Oak to Page and Page to Haight will be ground down in preparation for the application of new pavement. 

On Thursday, June 29th, Laguna from Oak to Page and Page to Haight will be re-paved. 

After June 29th, all sewer replacement and street resurfacing work on these blocks will be complete, and you should expect no further construction-related disturbances from this project. Throughout this process, sidewalk access will always be maintained. During the grinding phase, driveway access will be maintained however slight delays should be expected. During the paving phase, driveway access will not be possible until the asphalt cools down. Street parking will not be allowed on the block during grinding and paving operations. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we perform this crucial work. 



Starting Thursday, June 1st, crews will begin replacing the sewer main on Golden Gate Avenue between Pierce Street and Scott Street. Once the new sewer main is installed, we will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take approximately 2 to 3 weeks, barring any unforeseen delays or inclement weather. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. After all sewer work on this block is complete, we will be performing the same scope of work on Golden Gate Avenue between Scott Street and Divisadero Street. 

Starting next Monday, June 5th, we will be constructing new, ADA-compliant curb ramps at the Golden Gate Avenue and Laguna Street intersection. We expect this work to take about one week to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances or weather. 



Starting Thursday, May 25th, crews will begin street restoration and paving work on Laguna Street between Grove Street and Oak Street. The first phase of work on these blocks will be the restoration of concrete street base in areas that were previously excavated for sewer main replacement. Street base restoration will take place in the following order: 

Laguna between Hayes and Fell on May 25th. 

Laguna between Fell and Oak on May 25th and 26th 

Laguna between Hayes and Grove on May 30th and 31st. 

Once this work is complete, we'll be performing final paving on these blocks in the following order: 

On June 1st, the existing pavement on Laguna between Grove and Oak will be ground down in preparation for the application of new pavement. 

On June 2nd, Laguna between Grove and Oak will be re-paved. 

After June 2nd, all sewer replacement and street resurfacing work on these blocks will be complete, and you should expect no further construction-related disturbances from this project. Throughout this process, sidewalk access will always be maintained. During the grinding phase, driveway access will be maintained however slight delays should be expected. During the paving phase, driveway access will not be possible until the asphalt cools down. Street parking will not be allowed on the block during grinding and paving operations. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we perform this crucial work. 


Starting Tuesday, May 16th, crews will begin replacing the sewer main on Golden Gate Avenue between Steiner Street and Pierce Street. Once the new sewer main is installed, we will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take approximately 3 weeks, barring any unforeseen delays or inclement weather. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. 



Starting Friday, April 28th, crews will begin replacing the sewer main on Golden Gate Avenue between Fillmore Street and Steiner Street. Once the new sewer main is installed, we will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take approximately 3 weeks, barring any unforeseen delays or inclement weather. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. 


Starting next Monday, April 24th, crews will be re-paving Golden Gate Avenue between Webster Street and Van Ness Avenue. Work will progress as follows: 

On Monday, April 24th, the existing pavement on Golden Gate between Webster and Gough will be ground down in preparation of the new pavement. 

On Tuesday the 25th, Golden Gate between Webster and Laguna will be re-paved. 

On Wednesday, April 26th, the existing pavement on Golden Gate between Gough and Van Ness will be ground down in preparation of the new pavement. 

On Thursday the 27th, Golden Gate between Laguna and Gough will be re-paved. 

Finally, on Friday, April 28th, Golden Gate between Gough and Van Ness will be repaved. 

Throughout this process, sidewalk access will always be maintained. During the grinding phase, driveway access will be maintained however slight delays should be expected. During the paving phase, driveway access will not be possible until the asphalt cools down. Street parking will not be allowed on the block during grinding and paving operations. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we perform this crucial work. 


Starting Monday, March 27th, crews will begin replacing the sewer main on Laguna Street between Fell Street and Oak Street. Once the new sewer main is installed, we will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take approximately 3 weeks, barring any unforeseen delays or inclement weather. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. 



Starting Monday, March 19th, crews will begin replacing the sewer main on Laguna Street between Hayes Street and Fell Street. Once the new sewer main is installed, we will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take 3 to 4 weeks, barring any unforeseen delays or inclement weather. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. Once sewer work on this block is completed, we will then move south along Laguna and begin doing the same work between Hayes Street and Fell Street. 



Starting Saturday, March 4th, crews will begin replacing the sewer main on Laguna Street between Grove Street and Hayes Street. Once the new sewer main is installed, we will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take 3 to 4 weeks, barring any unforeseen delays. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. Once sewer work on this block is completed, we will then move south along Laguna and begin doing the same work between Hayes Street and Fell Street. 



Starting Tuesday, February 21st, crews will begin replacing the sewer main on Golden Gate Avenue between Webster Street and Fillmore Street. Once the new sewer main is installed, we will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take approximately 3 weeks, barring any unforeseen delays or inclement weather. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. 



Throughout the last two weeks of January, crews will be re-paving Laguna Street between Pine Street and Eddy Street. Work will progress as follows: 

on Thursday, January 26th, the existing pavement on Laguna between Pine and Geary will be ground down in preparation of the new pavement. On Friday the 27th, Laguna between Pine and Geary will be re-paved. The following Monday, January 30th, the existing pavement on Laguna between Geary and Eddy will be ground down in preparation of the new pavement. On Tuesday the 31st, Laguna between Geary and Eddy will be re-paved. 

Throughout this process, sidewalk access will always be maintained. During the grinding phase, driveway access will be maintained however slight delays should be expected. During the paving phase, driveway access will not be possible until the asphalt cools down. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we perform this crucial work. 



Starting the week of December 19th, crews will begin replacing the sewer main on Golden Gate Avenue between Franklin Street and Gough Street. Once the new sewer main is installed, we will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take 4 to 6 weeks, barring any unforeseen delays. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. 



Starting the week of November 28th, crews will begin replacing the sewer main on Golden Gate Avenue between Van Ness Avenue and Franklin Street. Once the new sewer main is installed, they will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take 4 to 6 weeks, barring any unforeseen delays. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. 



Starting this week, crews will begin constructing new curb ramps at the intersections of Laguna and Hemlock as well as Laguna and Ellis. This scope of work is expected to take about three weeks at the Laguna and Ellis intersection, and about two weeks at Laguna and Hemlock. During this time, there will be minimal restrictions to on-street parking on the adjacent blocks to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. A full, accessible path of pedestrian travel will be maintained throughout the construction process. Once new curb ramps at these two intersections are constructed, crews will perform similar work at the following intersections: Laguna and Willow, Laguna and Eddy, Laguna and Redwood. We will provide further updates as work progresses. 



All sewer work on Laguna between Cleary Court and Post Street has been completed. This week, crews will begin replacing the sewer main along Laguna between Bush Street and Pine Street. Once the new sewer main is installed, they will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This portion of the work should take 4 to 6 weeks. During this time, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. 



Sewer main replacement work has begun on Laguna between Cleary Court and Geary Boulevard. This portion of the work should take 4 to 6 weeks. During this time, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. Once the sewer main has been replaced and all auxiliary sewer work has been completed on this block, crews will then begin work on Laguna between Geary Boulevard and Post Street. 



Starting Monday, March 27th, crews will begin replacing the sewer main on Laguna Street between Fell Street and Oak Street. Once the new sewer main is installed, we will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take approximately 3 weeks, barring any unforeseen delays or inclement weather. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work

Pavement and Sewer Renovation
Golden Gate Avenue between Divisadero and Van Ness, Laguna Street between Pine and Haight
District 5
$9 Million
Project Manager
Ramon Kong
Project Team

San Francisco Public Works

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission

Michael O'Shaughnessy Construction, Inc: (415) 799-7043

Benjamin Peterson