Lauren Post
Public Works Commission
Lauren Post is a retired finance professional with 16 years of experience in public finance investment banking. Post retired at the director level and as a partner in her firm. Her experience as an investment banker included structuring bond financings for public sector issuers. She was also a municipal credit analyst and evaluated the credit quality of public sector securities. Post has 16 years of additional professional experience in biotech management consulting, government, politics, and nonprofit work.
Post has been a community leader and activist since retirement. She served on the Citizens General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee as the liaison to the Department of Public Works’s Emergency Response and Emergency Safety (ESER) bond program. She was a founder and the first board Chair of the East Cut Community Benefit District (CBD), and has chaired a number of committees, including the CBD-Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) committee to oversee management and operation of Salesforce Park. She is a former member of the TJPA and Transbay Citizens Advisory Committees.
Post earned an MBA degree from Stanford University. She is a 36-year San Francisco resident and has lived in the Mission, Cow Hollow, and Russian Hill districts. She currently resides in the East Cut neighborhood downtown.
Commissioner Post was appointed by the Controller. Commissioner Post serves in Seat 3: background in finance with at least 5 years in auditing experience. Commissioner Post’s term ends July 2, 2028.