*Please note that this web page may not always be up to date*
2013 High Precision Network (HPN) Survey
- HPN Record of Survey (pdf)
- HPN Survey Report (doc)
- HPN Station Descriptions (pdf)
- HPN Station Recovery and Obstruction Diagrams (pdf)
- HPN Densification (HPND) Published Coordinates (doc)
- HPN Densification (HPND) Station Recovery and Obstruction Diagrams (pdf)
- HPN Densification (HPND) Point Descriptions (xlsx)
- 2018 Horizontal and Vertical Control Network (kmz file for use in Google Earth, contains basic descriptions and photos accessible by clicking on any point )
2013 -2014 High Precision Leveling Network
- 2013 Leveling Survey Report (doc)
- Leveling Specs & Procedure (doc)
- CCSF- VD13 Benchmark Elevations (doc)
- 2018 CCSF- VD13 Benchmark Descriptions (xlsx)
Geodetic Documents and Supporting Files
- CCSF CS13 & VD13 Datums and Reference Frames (doc)
- NAD83 (1992) 1991.35 Epoch SPC Zone 3 to NAD83 (2011) 2010.00 Epoch SPC Zone 3 Transformation (.xlsx)
- NAD83 (1992) 1991.35 Epoch SPC Zone 3 to NAD83 (2011) 2010.00 Epoch CCSF-CS13 Transformation (.xlsx)
- NAD83 (2011) 2010.00 Epoch SPC Zone 3 to NAD83 (2011) 2010.00 Epoch CCSF-CS13 Transformation (.xlsx)
- CS13 Projection Files for AutoCAD (.csd)
1992-1998-1999 CCSF GPS Network
Superseded Old City Datum Benchmarks
- Benchmark Data Search - locate benchmark elevations at a specific intersection on the Old City datum
BSM Project Standards & Specifications
- Contractor's Workshop - Contractors' Requirements
Planetary K-Index: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/planetary-k-index
For More Information
San Francisco Public Works
Bureau of Street-Use and Mapping
49 S. Van Ness, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (628) 271-2000
Email: geodesy@sfdpw.org