• Geneva Ave Street View

Geneva Avenue Traffic Signal Project

Project Description

San Francisco Public Works and SFMTA have partnered to complete infrastructure and safety improvements along Geneva Avenue. The work to be performed includes upgrading the existing signal infrastructure, including installation of new signals and interconnect conduit.  The Geneva Avenue Traffic Signal Project also includes wiring, Pedestrian Countdown Signals (PCS), Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) pushbuttons, vehicular signal heads, new poles and mast-arms, and signal controllers. This project will also include pedestrian bulb-out work, curb ramp work, sidewalk work, curb and gutter work, parking strip replacement, localized street base repairs and paving work near the newly completed upgrades.

The intersections included in this project are the following: 

Geneva Avenue & London Street
Geneva Avenue & Paris Street
Geneva Avenue & Naples Street 
Geneva Avenue & Athens Street

The Geneva Avenue Traffic Signal Project will also include removal and reconstruction of the center median along Geneva Avenue between Edinburgh Street and Vienna Street. The new center median will be realigned to create turning lanes and facilitate travel through the area.

Neighbors interested in receiving e-updates on the Geneva Avenue Traffic Signal Project should sign up HERE. Updates will be sent out as-needed during construction to inform residents of the upcoming phase of work, traffic impacts, milestone completions, and any weekend work. Although weekend work is allowed, none is anticipated at this time.

Construction on this project is anticipated to start in late January 2022 with completion expected in late October 2022. This traffic signal project is being completed in advance of a larger scale project coming to Mission Street and Geneva Avenue in Fall 2022. The Mission Street and Geneva Avenue Infrastructure Improvement Project will include Mission Street between the Hwy 280 overpass and Geneva Avenue as well as Geneva Avenue between Mission Street and Prague Street. That project will have an overall duration of 3+ years but is being broken up into phases so that the entire limits aren’t under construction the whole time. For additional information on that project please visit www.sfpublicworks.org/Mission-Geneva.

Pavement and Sewer Renovation
Public Safety
Transportation Projects
In Progress
Various intersections along Geneva Avenue
District 11
$2.2 Million
Project Manager
Chi Iao: (628) 271-2738
Project Team

- San Francisco Public Works
- San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
- A. Ruiz Construction, Inc.
  (415) 647-4010 (Office)
  (415) 654-2393 (After Hours)

Alex Murillo: (628) 271-2244