Clean Up Effort In District 4
For Immediate Release
November 3, 2006
***Media Advisory***
The Community Clean Team Kicks Off Its Month-Long
Clean Up Effort In District 4 At Lincoln High School.
Over 300 Volunteers Work Together
To Keep the Community Clean, Green, and Litter-Free!
This year is the sixth year of operation of the Community Clean Team, a cleaning, greening and beautification community volunteer program, which the Department of Public Works (DPW) partners with The San Francisco Unified School District, Department of Recreation and Parks, San Francisco Clean City, and many other city agencies as well as private corporations.
The Clean Team works closely with individual schools and the School District on various projects. In November, the Clean Team moves to District 4. This event is not only the School/ Community Cleanup Day, but also the DPW employee volunteer day.
200 volunteers from Lincoln High, 80 volunteers from DPW, and more than 50 volunteers from other schools, non-profit organizations, and the community will join together at 9 am at Lincoln High School to clean up the neighborhood and keep it clean, green and litter-free. Volunteers will work on projects including painting, graffiti abatement, litter removal, weeding and community outreach.
Fiona Ma, Supervisor of District Four
Fred Abadi, Director of the Department of Public Works
Barnaby Payne, Assistant Principal of Lincoln High School
Over 300 volunteers from Lincoln High School, Department of Public Works and various community organizations.
Saturday, November 4, 2006
Lincoln High School
24th Avenue (@ Rivera Street)
Barnaby Payne, Lincoln High School (O) 415-759-2700
Shih-Wei Lu, Dept of Public Works (C) 415-279-4395