• Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

What is the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner? 

The Medical Examiner coordinates the investigation and certification of deaths in San Francisco. Medical examiners investigate and sign death certificates for all manners of deaths (homicide, suicide, accident) and deaths of persons who may be unidentified. Services provided by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner are essential and critical for the community. The duties of the office are essential to the fire, safety, and first responder services as well as the criminal justice system in the City. More than 1,200 deaths are investigated each year.

Scope of work

ESER 2014 funded the construction of a brand-new facility for the Chief Medical Examiner and its staff, who were previously stationed at the seismically-deficient Hall of Justice.  The new and improved Office of the Chief Medical Examiner at a new location, 1 Newhall Street in the Bayview, provides a seismically safe structure, professional work environments and the facility necessary for city-wide medical examiner emergency response capabilities.

The facility features state-of-the-art forensic examination stations, a forensic toxicology laboratory and work areas for field investigators and administration. The building's design also offers a welcoming experience when assisting grieving friends and family.

The general contractor for the project was Clark Construction and the architect was KMD Architects

Press Releases


Additional Documents and Presentations

What they're saying

Former Mayor Ed Lee:

“This new building showcases San Francisco's commitment to investing in capital improvements that safeguard our diverse neighborhoods and communities.”

Former San Francisco Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Hunter:

“This modern facility allows us to more effectively carry out our mandated duties as an essential first responder and critical partner in San Francisco's justice system.”

Explore the other ESER 2014 Bond Components


What is the ESER bond program?

Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response (ESER) is San Francisco's bond program to strategically address critical public safety needs in the City. The program identifies seismic improvements and upgrades to City-owned facilities that are needed to help safeguard San Francisco. Learn more here.

Approved bond amount
$65 million