• 9th Ave Streetscape Rendering

9th Avenue & Lincoln Way Improvement Project

Project Information

The 9th Avenue & Lincoln Way Improvement Project is an effort to improve the connection between the Inner Sunset neighborhood and Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. The entryway to Golden Gate Park at 9th Avenue is one of the most heavily-used entrances into the park, with attractions such as the SF Botanical Garden, the De Young Museum, and the Academy of Sciences close by. Through years of community requests and stated goals from the Golden Gate Park Master Plan, San Francisco Public Works along with the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department are producing new concepts to add safety, visibility, wayfinding, and streetscape improvements to this entry, and the stretch of 9th Avenue from Lincoln Way to Irving Street.

Community Meeting Two - November 14, 2018
The meeting included introductions, an overview of the project and planning process, presentation boards, a review of survey results and traffic considerations, and a question & answer period.

Meeting Notification Postcard
Survey Results
Traffic Considerations

Community Meeting One - June 6, 2018
The meeting included introductions, an overview of the project and planning process, presentation boards, and a question & answer period.

Meeting Notification Postcard
Project Questionnaire

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9th Avenue and Lincoln Way
Locate on project map
District 5
$2.5 Million
San Francisco Recreation and Parks
Project Manager
Mike Rieger, (415) 558-4492
Project Team

San Francisco Public Works and San Francisco Recreation and Parks

Dadisi Najib