"Hairball" Widening & Regrade Project, Segments F/G
Project Description
Mission Branch Renovation Project
The San Francisco Public Library is currently renovating the Mission Branch Library. On behalf of the Library, Public Works initiated a feasibility study that provided a needs assessment and analyzed the cost and practicality of design options. The study recommended moving forward with renovation of the Mission Branch Library, given that this branch lacks space to hold quality programs and the building’s systems are at the end of their service life. The library, one of seven Carnegie branches, opened in 1915 and was designed by G.
PRESS RELEASE: Back to School Neighborhood Cleanup in District 9 - 8/13/16
Potrero Avenue Roadway Improvement Project
The Potrero Avenue Roadway Improvement Project is a collaboration between neighbors and several city agencies (Public Works, SFMTA, and PUC) to improve safety for people walking and biking, maximize infrastructure upgrades in the area, and to help beautify Potrero Avenue. The final design for roadway improvements is the result of five community workshops, valuable public input, and the neighborhood voting for their preferred option for transforming Potrero Avenue.
Mid-Market -- SoMa Alleyways Phase 2
In 2006, the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (Agency) and Public Works completed public streetscape improvements on Sixth Street, between Market and Harrison Streets, by widening sidewalks, planting new street trees and installing ornamental street lights. Through discussions with the South of Market Project Area Committee (SOMPAC), Agency staff and Public Works have identified an initial set of alleyways for improvements.
Folsom Street Streetscape Improvement Project
The Folsom Street Streetscape Improvement project extends from 19th Street to Cesar Chavez Street in the Mission District, and includes traffic signal upgrades, resurfacing and pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements. The community, through the Eastern Neighborhoods Planning process, identified Folsom Street as a ‘green connector’ for the neighborhoods it passes through, citing its central location and the consistent canopy of large street trees along it southern portion.
Cesar Chavez Streetscape Project
The project ensured that a safe, gracious, inviting, and ecologically sustainable Cesar Chavez Street emerged as a focal point for one of San Francisco’s most vibrant neighborhoods. The community approved,conceptual plan for Cesar Chavez was the result of a two-year community design process that included a series of public meetings and workshops.
Road Repaving & Street Safety Bond
The $248 million Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond was approved by voters in November 2011. With it, the City is repaving streets in neighborhoods throughout San Francisco; repairing deteriorating bridges, overpasses and stairways; and making traffic, pedestrian and bicycle and safety improvements.