• Folsom Street Streetscape Improvement Project

Folsom Street Streetscape Improvement Project

The Folsom Street Streetscape Improvement project extends from 19th Street to Cesar Chavez Street in the Mission District, and includes traffic signal upgrades, resurfacing and pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements. The community, through the Eastern Neighborhoods Planning process, identified Folsom Street as a ‘green connector’ for the neighborhoods it passes through, citing its central location and the consistent canopy of large street trees along it southern portion. This concept was incorporated into the city’s General Plan, and the proposed design for Folsom Street in the Mission received overwhelming support at public workshops for the Mission Streetscape Plan in 2009-2010.


As part of this project, the roadway will be resurfaced and re-striped from four lanes to two lanes with bike lanes between 19th and 24th Streets.  Folsom Street will receive upgraded traffic signal infrastructure, allowing for future pedestrian signals at all street crossings and future preferential signal timing for the 12-Folsom SFMTA bus line. Bus-bulbouts will be installed along the corridor, creating more comfortable waiting areas, shortening crossing distances for pedestrians, and improving transit operations. Finally, 42 new street trees will be planted to complete the vision of Folsom Street as a beautiful, safe and accessible green connector for the neighborhood.

Transportation Projects
Folsom Street between 19th and Cesar Chavez Streets
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District 9
Project Manager
John Dennis
Project Team

Public Works
Municipal Transportation Authority (SFMTA)

A. Ruiz Construction

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