• Masonic Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project rendering

Masonic Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project

Project Update - August 1, 2018  
  • Crews continue installation of pavers along the center median between Geary Blvd. and Anza Street. 
  • The contractor also continues road paver installation at the Geary/Masonic Plaza. 
  • Staff is also working on the planter beds at the plaza. 
  • This project is scheduled to be complete in a few weeks.  

Project Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
San Francisco Public Works, SFMTA, and the PUC are scheduled to host a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the successful completion of the Masonic Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project. The event is scheduled for Tuesday August, 14, 2018 at 11:30 a.m. and will be held at the Masonic/Geary Public Plaza. Please join us to celebrate!

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Work Hours
Monday to Friday, 7 AM to 7 PM
Saturday & Sunday, 7 AM to 7 PM

Project Information
The Masonic Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project, between Geary Boulevard to the north and Fell Street to the south, will provide improvements for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders. The goal of this project is to safely and efficiently accommodate the needs of all roadway users. The streetscape improvements along Masonic Avenue are scheduled between Geary Blvd. and Fell Street however this project includes repaving of Masonic Avenue between Presidio Avenue and Haight Street. The scheduled improvements are the result of a planning process among Public Works, the Planning Department, SFMTA and Masonic Avenue residents and businesses.


Masonic Avenue: Proposed Plan


Project improvements include a new landscaped median, new cycle tracks, widened portions of sidewalk, repaving, bus bulb-outs, new street trees and sidewalk planters, new lighting in medians and pedestrian scale lighting on sidewalks and the conversion of a triangular space and road on the southwest corner of Geary Blvd. and Masonic Ave. into a small park and resident traffic only road, which includes public art.


Masonic Avenue: typical existing roadway section



Masonic Avenue: typical proposed roadway section



Rendering - Masonic Avenue and Turk Street - Option 2


Plaza Rendering at Masonic Avenue and Geary Boulevard




Community outreach and planning phase: Completed. Conducted 2008-2012.
Design and bid phase: Winter 2014 to Fall 2015.
Construction phase: July 2016 to Spring 2018.


In Progress
Masonic Avenue from Geary Boulevard to Fell Street
Locate on project map
District 5
Project Manager
David Froehlich - (415) 558-4041
Project Team


Shaw Pipeline, Inc.
150 Executive Park Blvd Suite 3790
San Francisco, CA 94134

(415) 337 0190 Main Office
(415) 740-8008 After-hours 

Alex Murillo - Public Affairs Officer
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