• Castro Street Streetscape Improvement Project

Castro Street Streetscape Improvement Project

Castro Street between Market and 19th Streets is one of the most well-known neighborhood commercial districts in San Francisco, serving the needs of local residents and being the historic center of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender) community. The project will enhance the streetscape experience with widened sidewalks, repaving, new lighting, and street trees. Additionally, in coordination with the community and local businesses, the streetscape project will host the Rainbow Honor Walk, with inlaid plaques of LGBT heroines and heroes as well as celebratory supplemental lighting and decorative crosswalks. These improvements will further elevate the neighborhood experience of an already famous city destination.

In collaboration between the San Francisco Public Works, the San Francisco Planning Department, and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, the improvement project sets to meet the concerns the local community addressed. Funded by the 2011 Road Repaving & Street Safety Bond and Federal Transportation Administration, the project will add special paving and barrier improvements to Jane Warner Plaza, ADA compliant curb ramps, bike parking, street trees, and bulb-outs at indicated intersections. Muni overhead wiring and catenary pole relocation is also within the scope of the project. In addition, all of Castro Street and a portion of 18th Street will be newly repaved. The project seeks to address the community feedback on the need for safer streets, wider sidewalks, and an improved street life experience.

Castro Street between Market and 19th Streets
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District 8
Project Manager
John Dennis
Project Team

Public Works 
Municipal Transportation Authority (SFMTA) 
Planning Department

Ghilotti Bros., Inc.

Alex Murillo
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