Calle 24 Tree Removal and Replacement Project

24th Street from Potrero Avenue to Mission Street is lined with mature ficus trees, some of which will be removed and replaced to protect the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists along the busy corridor. 
33 ficus trees have been identified, reviewed and approved for removal due to one or more imminent safety issues identified with this tree species.

Safer Taylor Street

Public Works and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) has collaborated with the Tenderloin community to developed a new vision for Taylor Street between Turk and Ellis streets to improve transportation safety and livability for all users of this corridor. The Safer Taylor Street project will provide transportation safety and streetscape improvements along Taylor Street, including sidewalk widening, pedestrian crosswalks, corner bulbouts, new traffic signals, and streetscape enhancement such as decorative paving, new street trees and street furnishing.

As-Needed Main Sewer Replacement No. 7

Project Description

San Francisco Public Works and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission have partnered to complete infrastructure improvements in San Francisco neighborhoods. Our partnership allows us to minimize impacts to the public by consolidating our work whenever possible. This project includes sewer main replacement, street base repairs and repaving. 
The blocks included in this contract are as follows: