• Potrero Branch Library

Potrero Branch Library

The renovation priorities include making the branch seismically safe, fully accessible, and technologically updated. Both the community and staff areas were renovated to improve the functonality of the space. The renovation included the installation of an elevator and new public restrooms. The addition of a second floor provides more public space with views of the City skyline.

The Potrero Branch is included in the Branch Library Improvement Program Arts Master Plan. The Potrero Branch Community Artist Selection Panel chose Gina Telcocci, a sculptor who creates three dimensional artworks with plants and other natural materials, to create a piece of art for the renovated branch. This project was delivered and designed by the Department of Public Works on behalf of the San Francisco Public Library. For more information, please visit the Branch Library Improvement Program (BLIP) webpage. The project is part of the SFPL's 2000, Proposition A Bond Program, to refurbish and seismically upgrade the city's branch libraries. The Friends of the San Francisco Public Library also raised funds through private donations for new furniture, fixtures, and equipment for the branch library.

Branch Libraries
1616 20th St
Locate on project map
District 6
$5.4 million
Lena Chen