• photos of paving

PRESS RELEASE - Paving Work Scheduled for Masonic Avenue May 14-19 - 5/11/2018

Traffic Advisory: May 11, 2018
Contact: Rachel Gordon, 415-554-6045
Drivers Should Expect Traffic Delays; Seek Alternate Routes
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Public Works is scheduled to start final paving operations along Masonic Avenue between Fell Street and Geary Boulevard on Monday, May 14, 2018. 
The upcoming roadway work will continue through Saturday, May 19, 2018. Construction will take place 7 a.m. -7 p.m.
Motorists should expect delays on Masonic Avenue due to traffic lane closures to accommodate paving crews and should allow additional travel time along the busy north-south corridor during construction work hours. If possible, please avoid the area and use alternate routes. 
The paving is part of the larger Masonic Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project that also includes a new landscaped median, new cycle tracks, widened portions of sidewalk, bus bulb-outs, new street trees and sidewalk planters and new lighting in medians and pedestrian scale lighting on sidewalks. In addition, a new landscaped plaza is being built on the southwest corner of Geary Boulevard and Masonic Avenue.
For more information on the Masonic Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project, visit www.sfpublicworks.org/masonic.
About San Francisco Public Works: The 24/7 City agency cleans and resurfaces streets; plants and nurtures City-maintained street trees; designs, constructs and maintains City-owned facilities; inspects streets and sidewalks; builds curb ramps; eradicates graffiti; partners with neighborhoods; trains people for jobs; greens the right of way; and educates our communities. 
Press Releases