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2350 Green St.

Site: 9

Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Fern pines are directly within footprint of project under building permit #202312011757. Impacts to flowing cherry are not expected to be within tolerance of tree. Four (4) trees will be replaced on-site. One (1) in-lieu fee will be paid by applicant for loss of 5th planting site.

Posting Period: 01/13/25 - 02/12/25

150 Cherry St.

Site: 1

Reason(s) for Tree Removal: The tree exhibits an unstable union at the base, poor growth with an uncorrected lean into the path of travel. This poses a potential hazard due to the increased risk of failure. Site will be replanted. 

Posting Period: 01/13/25 - 02/12/25

2810 Pierce St.

Site: 1,2,4,5

Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Fern pines are directly within footprint of project under building permit #202312011757. Impacts to flowing cherry are not expected to be within tolerance of tree. Four (4) trees will be replaced on-site. One (1) in-lieu fee will be paid by applicant for loss of 5th planting site.

Posting Period: 01/13/25 - 02/12/25

2942 Baker St

Site: 2

3160 Jackson St.

Site: 2

Reason(s) for Tree Removal: New driveway will require removal of tree. Central tree is too close to adjacent trees and inhibiting growth of adjacent trees. Location is NOT replantable due to driveway and proximity to adjacent trees. In-lieu fee will be paid by owner. 

Posting Period: 12/16/24 - 1/15/25
