1641 York St.

Site: 1

Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Sewer lateral replacement is expected to destabilize tree. Location is not replantable. 

Posting Period: 03/17/25 - 04/16/25

Various Locations Curb Ramps #17

Project Description

San Francisco Public Works has hired Sage Consulting Engineers, Inc. to construct new curb ramps at intersections throughout San Francisco. This project will include demolishing existing curb ramps & curbs, constructing new ADA-compliant curb ramps and reconstructing adjacent areas of the sidewalk and curb lane. The scope of work will include saw-cutting the sidewalk and gutter, removing concrete, framing and pouring concrete and placing asphalt in the gutter area.

Traffic Signal Modifications Contract #36

San Francisco Public Works has partnered with Bay Area Light Works, Inc. to upgrade traffic signal infrastructure at 14 intersections across San Francisco. The scope of work will include excavation at some of the intersections, new traffic pole installation and electrical conduit work. Some intersections will also include curb ramp installation.

Alemany Interchange Improvement Project

Alemany Blvd., under the Highway 280 and 101 interchange, is a heavily trafficked and auto-dominated street associated with off-ramps and on-ramps. The Alemany Interchange Improvement Project will bring imperative improvements to the safety, accessibility and aesthetic qualities of Alemany Blvd. Pedestrians travel the area between San Bruno Avenue and the northern side of Alemany (aka The Farmer’s Market) on a regular basis.

Various Locations No. 47 - Pavement Renovations

San Francisco Public Works has contracted with Esquivel Grading & Paving, Inc. to renovate the roadway at various locations in neighborhoods as part of the Various Locations No. 47, Pavement Renovations Project. The scope of work will include sidewalk, curb ramp construction, concrete road base repair and final roadway paving.  The work under this contract will occur between November 2021 and June 2022.