Commission Meetings
- July 21, 2023 - Agenda
- Item 1 - Announcements by Chair, Commissioners and Secretary
- Item 2 - Director's Report and Communications
- Item 4a - Draft Minutes from the June 16, 2023 Commission Meeting
- Item 4b - Various Locations No. 49 Infrastructure Improvements - contract modification
- Item 4c - Various Locations No. 51 Infrastructure Improvements - contract modification
- Item 4d - Pressure Washing Workforce Development - grant award
- Item 4e - Sweeping Workforce Development - grant award
- Item 5 - Ingleside Police Station Replacement Construction Manager/General Contractor - contract award
- Item 6 - Various Locations Pavement Renovation No. 60 & Sewer Replacement - contract award
- Bid Tabulations
- Contract Monitoring Division Memorandum
- Better Streets Plan Final Mitigated Negative Declaration issued September 17, 2010 (Case No. 2007.1238E)
- Planning Commission Motion 18211 (adopted 10/28/2010)
- Better Streets Plan Checklist (issued 12/19/2022)
- Statutory Exemption issued March 2, 2022 (Case No. 2022-001754ENV)
- Locations of Work
- Item 7 - Operations Division - Bureau of Urban Forestry Overview