June 2, 2023 Commission Meeting - Agenda
- Item 2 - Secretary's Report - Advance Calendar
- Item 5a- Draft Minutes from the May 19, 2023 Regular Meeting
- Item 5b - As-needed Acoustical Engineering Consulting Services No. 2 - Contract Modification
- Item 5c - One South Van Ness Second Floor Restroom Renovation - Contract Modification
- Item 5d - San Francisco Public Library 750 Brannan Collections - Contract Modification
- Item 6 - Operations Division Overview
- Item 7 - Citywide Tree Watering Program and Workforce Development - Grant Modification
- Item 8 - 19th Avenue Combined City Project - Contract Modification
- Item 9 - Interagency Cooperation Agreement with Transbay Joint Power Authority
- Attachment 1: Consent to Interagency Cooperation Agreement
- Attachment 2: Final draft of Interagency Agreement (ICA)
- Attachment 3: ICA Appendix B-9 – Annual Scope & Budget (ABS)
- Attachment 4:1 Final EIS/EIR (2004)
- Attachment 4:2 Final Supplemental EIS/EIR (2018)
- Attachment 4:3 TJPA CEQA findings for the Final Supplemental EIS/EIR (2018)
- Attachment 4:4 Addendum to the Final Supplemental EIS/EIR (2023)
- Item 10 - Public Works Director Hiring Update