Anyone who intends to occupy a portion of the public roadway and/or sidewalk beyond what is allowed under a Street Space Permit is required to obtain an Additional Street Space Permit (ADS): Article 15, Section 724.7 Public Works Code and DPW Order 173,862. Additional Street Space Permits are generally issued for extended durations on a per month basis for building construction. Excavation work is not permitted under this permit.
An Additional Street Space Permit must be obtained if the proposed occupied area of the sidewalk and/or street is beyond what is allowed under the Street Space Permit. In general, a Street Space Permit allows occupying the designated parking lane width and not more than ½ of the official sidewalk width along the boundary of the fronting property. The following are anticipated conditions where an ADS Permit will be required, one (1) or more of the following conditions may occur:
CONDITION 1: The minimum four (4) foot wide path of travel is not provided through the occupied area required by the regular Street Space Permit.
CONDITION 2: Expanding the limits of the regular Street Space Permit area into the adjacent vehicular travel lane. San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) may require a Special Traffic Permit for the duration of occupancy.
CONDITION 3: Expanding the limits of the regular Street Space Permit to occupy area fronting an adjacent neighboring property. This requires a written consent from the fronting property owner. (Sample Consent Letter)
CONDITION 4: Occupying the parking lane fronting a neighboring property because there is no parking allowed fronting the subject property. This requires a written notification to the fronting property owner. (Sample Notification Letter)
Submit the following to Public Works Bureau of Street-Use & Mapping:
NOTE: Allow at least 30 calendar days to process your additional street space permit.
- Permit Application Letter. A signed written letter requesting an ADS permit addressed to the “Permit Manager”. The letter must include:
- Project address.
- Purpose for requesting the additional street space.
- The proposed use of the space.
- Description of proposed area to occupy.
- Dates of occupancy and proposed duration.
- Site Plan. A detailed and dimensioned layout plan of the area showing the proposed area of occupancy, including the elements of delineation, the pedestrian path of travel and proposed traffic striping.
- If the existing traffic striping is proposed to be modified, include a plan showing the existing traffic striping, which may be obtained from SFMTA at 415-701-2311.
- All traffic control elements and delineating elements shall be included in the plan. The elements may consist of: fences, barricades, ramps, scaffolding and other materials.
- The maximum size of the plan shall be 24 inches by 36 inches.
- See SFMTA Sample Site Map.
- Copy of Written Approval Letter(s) or Notification Letter for the following conditions:
- Copy of signed written approvals from all affected property owner(s) or designated property manager(s) when applying to expand the occupied area of the regular Street Space Permit (Condition 3) OR
- Copy of the written notification to be provided to the fronting property owner(s) or designated property manager(s) when applying for ADS because there is no parking lane fronting the subject property (Condition 4).
- Copy of Valid Street Space Permit for Conditions 1 through 3. A valid Street Space Permit is required for the full duration of the ADS Permit.
Copy of Valid Certificate of Insurance (COI) for Condition 4. The COI is evidence of general commercial liability coverage with language that must comply with Public Works-BSM’s requirements as identified in the Sample COI for the full duration of the ADS Permit.
Copy of Valid Special Traffic Permit (STP) from SFMTA for Conditions 1 and 2. STP may be required by SFMTA for the full duration of the ADS Permit when vehicular travel lanes are or may be affected, as determined by SFMTA.
Permit Application Fee. See the San Francisco Public Works Fee Schedule.
NOTE: Additional occupancy assessment fees are required following approval of the proposed plan.
- All ADS Permits are subject to additional review and requirements by other City Agencies, including by not limited to San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), San Francisco Fire Department (SFFD), San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), etc.
- All ADS Permits are issued at one (1) month intervals and for up to six (6) month durations.
- Extensions of an ADS Permit may be requested in writing to BSM no less than 15 days prior to the expiration of that permit. Fees shall apply to all permit renewals of the ADS Permit which has been granted an extension, see the Fees section below.
Anyone who intends to occupy a portion of the public roadway and/or sidewalk beyond what is allowed under a Street Space Permit may apply for a Additional Street Space Permit either in person or through email.
Each ADS Permit Application shall be subject to fees as described in the Public Works Fee Schedule listed below:
- New Application – The fees for processing a new permit application.
- Renewal – The fee for processing requests to extend a valid ADS permit.
- Assessment – The fee for occupying an area of the public right of way in monthly increments based on the bulk and height of the property’s zone, as determined by the Planning Department, reference the Property Information Map
Permit Fee Schedule Brochure
All Tow-Away Signs are provided and installed by the permittee. Tow-Away (no parking) Signs must be posted and registered at least 72 hours in advance. For additional information, see links below:
Tow-Away Sign Activation and Photo Upload Process Brochure
Contact the SFMTA Tow Desk at (415) 553-1200.
- Application
- San Francisco Public Works Fee Schedule
- Sample COI
- Sample Consent Letter
- Sample Notification Letter
- SFMTA Sample Site Map
If the Director of Public Works determines that the permittee has exceeded the scope of the Additional Street Space Permit, either in terms of duration or area; determines that any other violation of the permit terms and/or conditions have occurred, the Director of Public Works shall order the permittee to correct the violation within a specified time period. Violations of Public Works Code may result in the imposition of a financial penalty of up to $1,000 per day. Nonconformance to any related City regulation may result in the revocation of the ADS Permit.
For more information or clarification on any of the permit requirements, please contact us at:
San Francisco Public Works • Bureau of Street-Use & Mapping
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 300 • San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone : (628) 271-2000
San Francisco Public Works • Permit Center
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 200 • San Francisco, CA 94103 • Map
Processing Hours:
•Please visit for operating hours of the Permit Center.
• Closed on official holidays