1871 Bush St.

Site: 1,2

Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Permit 797642. Two (2) significant treeson private property to be removed without replacement. Trees are growing in small containers next to the foundation and bay windows. Trees are damaging the house and sewer. Limited planter space is inadequte location for a tree.

Posting Period: 03/17/25 - 04/16/25

8th St, Clay St, and Leavenworth St. Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement Contract #2308i

Project Description
SF Public Works and our contractor Ronan Construction will be making major infrastructure improvements to the Nob hill, Tenderloin/Theatre District and SoMa communities.  These improvements consist of  sewer main replacement, localized road base repair, curb ramp construction, bus pad installation amd pavement renovation curb to curb.  We are still in the pre-construction phase and anticipate work to start sometime this spring.  This webpage will be updated bi-weekly so please revisit us for construction

Various Locations Curb Ramps #17

Project Description

San Francisco Public Works has hired Sage Consulting Engineers, Inc. to construct new curb ramps at intersections throughout San Francisco. This project will include demolishing existing curb ramps & curbs, constructing new ADA-compliant curb ramps and reconstructing adjacent areas of the sidewalk and curb lane. The scope of work will include saw-cutting the sidewalk and gutter, removing concrete, framing and pouring concrete and placing asphalt in the gutter area.

Various Locations Pavement Renovation Project #68

Project Description

San Francisco Public Works is scheduled to complete infrastructure improvements on several blocks throughout the city as part of our Various Locations Pavement Renovation #68 project. This project may include curb ramp installation, concrete street base repairs, grinding (removal of existing asphalt) and repaving.

Western Addition Traffic Signals Project

Project Description

San Francisco Public Works has partnered with SFMTA to upgrade traffic signal infrastructure at 16 intersections in the Western Addition Neighborhood. The scope of work includes wiring, Pedestrian Countdown Signals (PCS), Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) pushbuttons, vehicular signal heads, poles and mast-arms, and signal controllers. Additionally, curb ramp work, sidewalk work, curb and gutter work, median work, and local base repair and paving work is included in this contract.

Better Market Street Shutdown

To allow construction crews to work in the roadway and in the Muni trackway, we will be shutting down Market Street between 5th and 8th Streets from 5:00am on Saturday, October 14th through Saturday, October 28th. During this period, we'll be temporarily moving above-ground transit off Market Street between 3rd Street and 10th Street to avoid the construction zone.